
[944] オンラインにほんごきょうしつICJのせいとぼしゅう。  投稿者:オンラインにほんごきょうしつICJ  投稿日:2019年09月18日 13:04:36  No.944001 [HOME]


This is ICJ online. We will do group lessons with zoom, which is not possible with Skype. You can do a lot of kawaii, and you can take lessons not only on PC but also on smartphones and tablets. 800 lessons for 1 lesson 60 buns. You can take a lesson with special training. However, the lesson of the same level will be 4 ~. The lessons will also be held in the same way. In addition to Kihon course, there are JLPT course and Business Kawai course. Other courses have different lessons. If you have any questions or wishes, please contact us at the address

アドレス kobekita77@gmail.com

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