
[777] Welcome to studying Japanese !  投稿者:GO  投稿日:2018年05月01日 22:09:34  No.777001
にほんご おしえます。
とうきょう、ちば、さいたま の いちぶ に いけます。
スカイプも OK です。
さいしょ 2かい は、500yen/1h.

Age is around 40 , Japanese, Male, Graduated from graduate school (major is not related to Japanese language education)

In cafes such as Otemachi, Ueno, Akihabara, Asakusa, Ochanomizu, Koshigaya, Kashiwa, Matsudo etc. Skype is okay.

Date and time:
Please ask me. Almost morning and afternoon is okay.

Ordinary 1,300 yen / 60 minutes (+ transport cost 500 yen), but the first 2 times is OK at 500 yen / 60 minutes.

I can also teach Japanese grammar and pronunciation, as well as methods of living and activities in Japanese society.For example, writing entry sheet and interview in job hunting etc.

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